The lecture in week 6 raised different thematic areas of issues of Global Concern, including the global economy, human development, environment and natural resources, peace and security and global governance.
These issues have significant effect to the whole world directly or indirectly. To ease the problems, we can vote or elect leaders who are able to help to solve the global issues. For example, U.S. President Obama addressing Global warming issue as a priority and attempt to deal with a cap and trade program or a clean energy standard that required people to use low carbon electricity as substitute. He also shows an inclination to help the global economy and the inequality, human rights problem in the world. We can also influence others to be a global citizen by telling them about the world issues and get your family and friends involved. Donations to organization that promoting actions on global issues can also help our world, for example, the Global Children
s Organization nurtures children traumatized by war, terrorism or intolerance by giving them summer camps or programs that help with their future and build a peaceful world.
In both the lecture and Sandra's response, boycotting has been raised as an action to solve the global issues. However, Sandra's action of boycotting the products from Israel may only hurt the small business or famers instead of the government or big company. Although boycotting may raise public concern about the incident, disputes may also arise between countries. In my view, to help the weak parties, may be it is more important to fight the right battles and voice our opinions in the right and effective way.
We should all be a global citizen and aware of all the global issues that are happening now in the world. We can achieve that by developing personal and social responsibility, promoting global diversity. It is important since it can help us to identify the universalities of the human experience and increase out identification with fellow human beings and sense of responsibility towards them. Education students with this concept can also strengthen their commitment to serve, contribute and benefit to the society and the lives of their members. To be a global citizen also put 'international' as the central to quality education and emphasizes that internationalization is a means, not an end. These are the reasons why everyone have to pay a little effort to be a global citizen, especially when facing the environmental and global warming issues, since it is a way to give back to Mother Earth and support Rights of Nature. We all have to be more environmental friendly to build a brighter, greener and sustainable future for our generations but not destroying it and consume all the resources selfishly.
Nelson Mandela could be an exemplary global citizen with a steadfast belief in human rights. He devoted his life to humanity and built the institutions of a true democracy and remain a uniting figure in racially diverse countries. He promoted the protection of human rights which could be improved by principles of peace, racial equality, reconciliation and freedom. His contribution inspired people not only in Africa, but all over the world and generations. We could all set Nelson Mandela as a model of Global citizen and tried to learn from him.