2012年12月7日 星期五

What is Global Citizenship?

We are all facing globalisation every day in our lives, in the restaurant, shop, on television, in websites. As there is increasing integration of economics worldwide, globalisation incurred to minimize the boundaries between different countries in terms of trading, culture, political, investments...etc.

Globalisation leads to the notion of Global Citizenship. In my own interpretation, Global Citizen is people who are aware of the issues happening in the world in aspects of social, economic, culture, environment, globalisation. They also have responsibility to everyone in the world, regardless of their nations and the Earth itself, their knowledge are on the global level and are willing to protect the Earth for our future generations by any act of sustainability.

However, there is no single definition of what a Global Citizenship is. A global citizen may be someone who aware of social injustice, who respects different culture, tradition and values. They may participate and have commitment to the social or community whether at local or global sense.

Everyone can be a Global Citizen as long as they are willing to commitment and contribute for the world.

