2012年12月8日 星期六

Globalisation & History

Globalisation has gone through different stages resulting to the current status. From the readings this week, it could be seen that there is five overlapping stages in the globalisation process. It can be traced back to the beginning of capitalism in Europe in the end of the Middle Ages.

Globalisation first start in late fifteenth century where expansion, exploration and conquest begin between the nations of northern Europe. The process invloves cultural resources, human and capital to generate wealth for the European and resulted in industrialisation in United Kingdoms, then resulting  in globalisation.

Stages of Globalisation can be divided into 1.) from late 1400s to 1800s, 2.) from 1800s to 1900s, 3.) from 1900s to  late 1900s and 4.) from late 1900s to 2000 and the last stage from 2000 till now. The modern Globalisation state is highly influenced by the technology and computerisation. However, wars and revolutions between empires are the mainly reasons for Globalisation in the early stages.

In the early stages, without technology, people are decentralisation and localism, most of the people stay at their place of birth throughout their whole life. Due to demographic or conquest pressure, ancestors begin to search for a better life by migration. The globalisers in the early stages are usually traders, preachers, adventures and soldiers. Some nations or empires start to send captains or soldiers to explore other places in the world. The trading, exploration and military expansion leads to development of technology and thus the industrial revolution. Communications like telegraph and transportation like ship and rail are formed.

During 1900s, power of United States was raised because of its military power. In the late 1900s, private business brought new technologies which are produced through World War 1 and World War 2, like computers, satellite communications and planes which accelerates the globalisation process across the globe. There is increase activity of manufacturing trading between developed countries.

Globalisation process is significantly affected by technology revolutions. Advances and improvements in the means of transport, communication, information, technologies in recent years have reduced the transaction cost and cost of access to information and allow people to consume the resources effectively and globally.

However, criticism  state globalistion is a trend of Americanisation. In the early 1900s, people in U.S.A. took new immigrants, by teaching them English and adjust to American culture, they are turned into Americans. Globalisation was also  used as an engine of "corporate imperialism" by U.S.A. It seems cultural assimilation is affecting global negatively.

People started to critics that globalization is just imposition culture of Americans to the global levels. Many different brands of drinks, food, restaurants which developed all over the world are all from America, like Coca Cola, Mcdonald. Many countries seems following America and leave its cultures, values, customs behind its authentic ways of life.

The current global stage seems to be a period of Americanisation. However, due to significant rise of power from China, will China be the next wave of globalisation?

2012年12月7日 星期五

What is Global Citizenship?

We are all facing globalisation every day in our lives, in the restaurant, shop, on television, in websites. As there is increasing integration of economics worldwide, globalisation incurred to minimize the boundaries between different countries in terms of trading, culture, political, investments...etc.

Globalisation leads to the notion of Global Citizenship. In my own interpretation, Global Citizen is people who are aware of the issues happening in the world in aspects of social, economic, culture, environment, globalisation. They also have responsibility to everyone in the world, regardless of their nations and the Earth itself, their knowledge are on the global level and are willing to protect the Earth for our future generations by any act of sustainability.

However, there is no single definition of what a Global Citizenship is. A global citizen may be someone who aware of social injustice, who respects different culture, tradition and values. They may participate and have commitment to the social or community whether at local or global sense.

Everyone can be a Global Citizen as long as they are willing to commitment and contribute for the world.